内容 | -Signifies
.a relative,
Ge 14:16 29:12
.a neighbor
De 23:7 Jud 21:6 Neh 5:7
.any Israelite
Jer 34:9 Ob 1:10
Ge 9:5 Mt 18:35 1Jo 3:15
.a companion
2Sa 1:26 1Ki 13:30 20:33
-Love of
Pr 17:17 18:24 So 8:1
Pr 27:10
-Reuben's love for Joseph
Ge 37:21,22
-Joseph's, for his brethren
Ge 43:30-34 45:1-5 50:19-25
-A fraternal epithet, especially among Christians.
.Instituted by Christ
Mt 12:50 25:40 Heb 2:11,12
.Used by disciples
Ac 9:17 21:20 Ro 16:23 1Co 7:12 2Co 2:13
.by Peter
1Pe 1:22
.Used among the Israelites
Le 19:17 De 22:1-4
-Brother's widow.
.Law concerning Levirate marriage of
De 25:5-10 Mt 22:24 Mr 12:19 Lu 20:28