内容 | - Often of a red colour
Re 12:3
. Powerful
Re 12:4
. Poisonous
De 32:33
. Of solitary habits
Job 30:29
- Its mournful voice alluded to
Mic 1:8
- Its wailing alluded to
Mic 1:8
- Its snuffing up the air alluded to
Jer 14:6
- Its swallowing of its prey alluded to
Jer 51:34
. The wilderness
Mal 1:3
. Deserted cities
Isa 13:22 Jer 9:11
. Dry places
Isa 34:13 43:20
- A species of, in rivers
Ps 74:13 Isa 27:1
. Of cruel and persecuting kings
Isa 27:1 51:9 Eze 29:3
. Of enemies of the church
Ps 9:13
. Of wicked men
Ps 44:19
. Of the devil
Re 13:2 20:2,7
. (Poison of,) of wine
De 32:33