中文内容 | - 伊甸园河流的支流
创 2:14
- 称为
. 大河 (原文是河)
出 23:31 尼 2:7 诗 72:8
. 大河
创 15:18 申 1:7
. 大河 (原文是洪水)
书 24:2
- 河水被认为有益身心健康
耶 2:18
- 常常泛滥, 漫过两岸
赛 8:7,8
- 亚述以伯拉河为国界
王下 23:29 赛 7:20
- 巴比伦坐落于伯拉河上
耶 51:13,36
- 应许之地极东的边界
创 15:18 申 1:7 11:24
- 埃及军队在此被歼灭
耶 46:2,6,10
- 被掳的犹太人常来这里
诗 137:1
- 耶利米的腰带在伯拉河中损坏, 代表犹大百姓被掳
耶 13:3-9
- 关乎巴比伦被扔进伯拉河的预言, 作为前兆
耶 51:63
- 将来的审判地点将会是在这里
启 16:12 |
内容 | - A branch of the river of Eden
Ge 2:14
. The river
Ex 23:31 Ne 2:7 Ps 72:8
. The great river
Ge 15:18 De 1:7
. The flood
Jos 24:2
- Waters of, considered wholesome
Jer 2:18
- Often overflowed its banks
Isa 8:7,8
- Assyria bounded by
2Ki 23:29 Isa 7:20
- Babylon situated on
Jer 51:13,36
- Extreme eastern boundary of the promised land
Ge 15:18 De 1:7 11:24
- Egyptian army destroyed at
Jer 46:2,6,10
- Frequented by the captive Jews
Ps 137:1
- Captivity of Judah represented by the marring of Jeremiah's
girdle in
Jer 13:3-9
- Prophecies respecting Babylon thrown into, as a sign
Jer 51:63
- Shall be the scene of future judgments
Re 16:12