中文内容 | -哀悼死人
.要蒙住头 (不可蓬头散发)
利 10:6 21:10
撒下 12:16
撒下 14:2
利 19:28 21:1-5 申 14:1 耶 16:6,7 41:5
创 50:10 出 12:30 撒上 30:4 耶 22:18 太 2:17,18
撒上 31:13 撒下 1:12 3:35
-祭司不可哀悼死人, 至亲除外
利 21:1-11
利 10:6
亚 12:12,14
代下 35:25 传 12:5 耶 9:17 太 9:23
创 23:2
创 50:1-3
民 20:29
撒下 1:17-27
撒下 3:33,34
撒下 18:33
代下 35:25
创 37:29,34 44:13 民 14:6 士 11:35 撒下 1:2,11 3:31
撒下 13:19,31 15:32 王下 2:12 5:8 6:30 11:14 19:1
王下 22:11,19 拉 9:3,5 伯 1:20 2:12 赛 37:1 耶 41:5
太 26:65 徒 14:14
创 38:14 撒下 14:2
-见 麻布
拉 9:3 耶 7:29
-见 秃头
撒下 15:30 19:4 斯 6:12 耶 14:3,4
利 13:45 结 24:17,22 弥 3:7
出 33:4,6
撒下 15:30 赛 20:2
撒下 13:19 耶 2:37
结 27:30
书 7:6
耶 14:2
赛 3:26
民 19:11-16 31:19 利 21:1
申 26:14 何 9:4
-见 挽歌/哀歌 |
内容 | -For the dead
.Head uncovered
Le 10:6 21:10
.Lying on the ground
2Sa 12:16
.Personal appearance neglected
2Sa 14:2
.Cutting the flesh
Le 19:28 21:1-5 De 14:1 Jer 16:6,7 41:5
Ge 50:10 Ex 12:30 1Sa 30:4 Jer 22:18 Mt 2:17,18
1Sa 31:13 2Sa 1:12 3:35
-Priests prohibited, except for the nearest of kin
Le 21:1-11
-For Nadab and Abihu forbidden
Le 10:6
-Sexes separated in
Zec 12:12,14
-Hired mourners
2Ch 35:25 Ec 12:5 Jer 9:17 Mt 9:23
-Abraham mourned for Sarah
Ge 23:2
-The Egyptians mourned for Jacob for seventy days
Ge 50:1-3
-The Israelites mourned for Aaron for thirty days
Nu 20:29
-David's lamentations over
.The death of Saul and his sons
2Sa 1:17-27
.The death of Abner
2Sa 3:33,34
.The death of Absalom
2Sa 18:33
-Jeremiah and the singing men and singing women lament for
2Ch 35:25
-For calamities and other sorrows
.Ripping the garments
Ge 37:29,34 44:13 Nu 14:6 Jud 11:35 2Sa 1:2,11 3:31 13:19,31 15:32 2Ki 2:12 5:8 6:30 11:14 19:1 22:11,19 Ezr 9:3,5 Job 1:20 2:12 Isa 37:1 Jer 41:5 Mt 26:65 Ac 14:14
-Wearing mourning clothes
Ge 38:14 2Sa 14:2
-Cutting or plucking off the hair and beard
Ezr 9:3 Jer 7:29
.The head and the face
2Sa 15:30 19:4 Es 6:12 Jer 14:3,4
.The upper lip
Le 13:45 Eze 24:17,22 Mic 3:7
-Laying aside ornaments
Ex 33:4,6
-Walking barefoot
2Sa 15:30 Isa 20:2
-Laying the hand on the head
2Sa 13:19 Jer 2:37
-Ashes put on the head
Eze 27:30
-Dust on the head
Jos 7:6
-Dressing in black
Jer 14:2
-Sitting on the ground
Isa 3:26
-Caused ceremonial defilement
Nu 19:11-16 31:19 Le 21:1
-Prevented offerings from being accepted
De 26:14 Ho 9:4