内容 | -By kissing
2Sa 20:9 Mt 26:49
-By bowing
Ge 18:2 19:1,2 23:7 27:29 33:3 37:10 41:43 43:26,28 49:8 1Sa 25:23 2Sa 18:28 1Ki 1:16 Es 8:3 Mt 2:11 Mr
-Addresses in
."My lords,"
Ge 19:2
."May God be gracious to you,"
Ge 43:29
-"Peace" (Hebrew: shalom)
1Sa 25:6
-"Are you well, my brother?"
2Sa 20:9
-"Hail, Master!"
Mt 26:49
-"All hail,"
Mt 28:9
-"Peace (Hebrew: shalom) to this house,"
Lu 10:5
-"Peace to you" (Hebrew: shalomleka)
Joh 20:21
-From a master to his servants, "May the Lord be with you,"
Ru 2:4
-Servants to their masters, "May the Lord bless you,"
Ru 2:4
-By letter
1Co 16:21 2Co 13:13 Col 4:18 Php 4:21 2Th 3:17 2Jo
1:13 3Jo 1:14
-To rulers